Practice widening your Window of Tolerance, it's okay to rest, yield, and just be. With Love,
16511 Northcross Drive Ste. C Huntersville, NC 28078 retreats@aluerainc.com | (704) 995-3168 |
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Mother Hunger® 8 Week Virtual Course Emily Grimes, MSW, LCSW, Mother Hunger® Trained Facilitator, created this specialized clinician led 8-week virtual course for women designed to provide psychoeducation on the attachment injury that is Mother Hunger®. In this course you will learn how and why this attachment injury occurs and discover what needs to be grieved in order to heal. Emily is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in North Carolina and has been practicing for over 20 years at her...
Having your experience acknowledged and validated is one of the kindest acts one person can offer to another. We need compassionate others to walk beside us in our journey in order to have a life that is truly satisfying. The experience of Mother Hunger can be especially painful because we often suffer alone, feeling isolated as children, unaware that others may understand because they suffer too. An essential part of healing this attachment injury is having your experience acknowledged,...
Hello, I understand taking a step towards healing can be scary. It can also be the most beautiful and worthwhile work you ever do for yourself and your loved ones. I’m honored to have the opportunity to walk with you as you embark on your journey of healing from Mother Hunger. My name is Emily Grimes, and I've been a Licensed Clinical Social Worker for over 20 years. I've specialized in treating clients with complex trauma since 2014 when I opened my private practice that adheres to a full...